Tag Archives: cheapest bail bonds in loma

The Ins & Outs Of Insurance Fraud In California

The Ins & Outs Of Insurance Fraud In California

Fraud is the word used when a person says something they know to be untrue for the specific reason of obtaining some sort of benefit. One of the most common form of fraud in California is insurance fraud. There are Multiple Types of Insurance Fraud The State of California has authorized prosecutors to handle cases […]

Consequence Of Driving With A Suspended License

Consequence Of Driving With A Suspended License

Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of California, the ability to drive is a key component of survival since there’s no form of public transportation. However, there are times when the State of California can decide to suspend your license. How a Driver’s License Becomes Suspended It’s a easier […]

Prevent Your Child From Being Abducted

Prevent Your Child From Being Abducted

It’s a parent’s nightmare, but according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 800,000 children are reported missing every year. When broken down, this equates to about 2,000 children being each day. While most of these result in a happy ending, the initial number of children being reported missing is staggering. Kids […]

What Appears On Background Checks?

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Loma

Your skills qualify you for the job you are interviewing for and you hit it off with your interviewer. They tell you that unofficially, you have the job. They just need to do a background check and get the paperwork in order. Once everything clears, you are hired! However, you are worried that your potential […]

What Is Jordan’s Law?

Loma Bail Bonds

Seeing a video of any sort of crime or attack on the internet is happening more and more frequently. Most of the times, the video was taken without the wrongdoer’s knowing. The video will gain popularity if it depicts the wrongdoer messing up in some hilarious way. The other portion of crime related videos going […]