Tag Archives: 24 hours bail bonds in loma

Pirating Movies Is A Serious Offense

Pirating Movies Is A Serious Offense

We’ve all seen the FBI warning in front of movies, warning us not to pirate the film and distribute it illegally. For the most part, people ignore the warning simply because they had no intention of doing that. However, there are some people out there who ignore the warning and do that anyway. They figure […]

Are Your Words Offensive?

Are Your Words Offensive?

As Americans we love our freedom, and one of our favorite freedoms is our freedom of speech. This is granted to us by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The amendment allows us to speak our minds, practice any religion, and protest. The internet now allows us to exercise our First Amendment right daily […]

Falsely Reporting A Crime

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

Just like it is a crime to falsely dial 9-1-1, it is also a crime to falsely report a crime in California. It is one thing to be innocently mistaken that a crime is taking, has taken, or is about to take place. In this case, the person reporting the false crime may not be […]

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Bail Help

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Loma

You should never feel ashamed to ask for help. It is impossible to know everything, which means you will eventually run into something where you need advice. For many people, this can occur when they find out that someone they know has been arrested. If the person is a friend or family member, then rescuing […]

What Is Jordan’s Law?

Loma Bail Bonds

Seeing a video of any sort of crime or attack on the internet is happening more and more frequently. Most of the times, the video was taken without the wrongdoer’s knowing. The video will gain popularity if it depicts the wrongdoer messing up in some hilarious way. The other portion of crime related videos going […]