Tag Archives: bail out of jail in long beach

Hazing in California

Hazing in California

Hazing started as a fun way to prank some people while initiating others into a fraternity and sorority. The problem with hazing is that while it may have started as fun and games as the years have passed, it has become a humiliating and even potentially dangerous tradition. Recent hazing incidents prompted California lawmakers to […]

Stay Safe During Wildfire Season

Stay Safe During Wildfire Season

No one who lives in California is ignorant of wildfires and the havoc they wreak. No matter what part of the state you live in, you should know how to take care of yourself if a wildfire is in your area. Have an evacuation plan in mind. Wildfires move fast and can change suddenly. Don’t […]

Does Rehab Reduce Your Sentence

Does Rehab Reduce Your Sentence

No one wants to go to prison. As soon as someone is initially booked and arrested, they suddenly realize how massive an impact a guilty conviction will have on their future. They often start wondering what they can do to make themselves look good and potentially reduce their sentence. In drug and alcohol-related crimes, it’s […]

Changes In California’s Assisted Death Program

Changes In California’s Assisted Death Program

Assisted death has always been a controversial issue. California lawmakers have always been a bit progressive on the matter. Their attitude prompted them to make assisted death legal in the state. At the time, California was the seventh state to legalize assisted death. While people continue to debate the moral issues surrounding assisted death, California […]

Can You Sleep In Your Car In California?

Can You Sleep In Your Car In California?

The increasingly rising cost of renting an apartment in California has created an unusual trend. Instead of spending more than half their paycheck on rent each month, some people have taken to living in their cars. This is particularly common in the summer when the weather is warm enough to make life without a heater […]

Early Warning Signs Of Heat Stroke

Early Warning Signs Of Heat Stroke

Longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the California summer heat quickly climbs. The hotter it gets, the greater the risk of heatstroke. The problem many people discover is that while there are warning signs that they’re starting to overheat, most either ignore these signs or […]

Blackmail In California

Blackmail In California

Blackmail is commonly used as a plot device in movies, books, etc. It helps add tension, create red herrings and build suspense. Unfortunately, blackmail also commonly happens in real life and when it does, it’s far less fun. In the real world, there can be a great deal of tragic fallout connected to blackmail. Most […]

Reasons Kids Are Left In Hot Cars

Reasons Kids Are Left In Hot Cars

It’s that time of year when we are constantly getting bombarded by messages reminding us to not leave kids and pets in hot cars. If you’re one of those people who roll their eyes and question how anyone could forget their child in a hot car you’re not alone. Most people feel the same way, […]

Say No To Wage Theft

Say No To Wage Theft

When most of us think about theft and money, we think about pickpockets, muggers, credit card scams and bank robbers. Few of us think about employers, mostly because that’s who is supposed to be giving us the money we live on. Yet, studies indicate that wage theft is a massive problem, one that is likely […]

Graduation Parties And Minor’s Drinking

Graduation Parties And Minor’s Drinking

Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future. If you’re a graduating senior or someone who just likes to hang out with a group […]