Category Archives: South Gate Bail Bonds

What Can You Do If There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?

What Can You Do If There Is a Warrant Out for Your Arrest?

Finding out that there is a warrant out for your arrest is an earth-shattering revelation. Most of us don’t have the first idea about what we should do in this particular situation. What You Shouldn’t Do The mistake that many people make is ignoring the situation and trying to go through life as if a […]

Understanding the New Flocking Trend

Understanding the New Flocking Trend

Burglaries are a problem in California. In 2021, California property crimes increased by 2.4% from 2020. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, 16% of the reported property crimes in California were burglaries. Traditionally, burglaries are committed by one, sometimes two people, who are simply hoping to make some money, but over the past […]

Can I Get in Trouble for Having a Fake Gun in California?

Can I Get in Trouble for Having a Fake Gun in California?

When you walk into a toy store, you will find entire shelves full of imitation guns. Some don’t look even close to real, while others are surprisingly authentic looking. Looking at the authentic toys, it’s easy to wonder if you could get in trouble for having an imitation gun in California. The answer is both […]

Will My California DUI Prevent Me From Owning a Firearm?

Will My California DUI Prevent Me From Owning a Firearm?

DUIs, especially a DUI that doesn’t involve anyone getting hurt or a significant amount of property damage, generally are not considered a felony. That means that if you’ve been convicted of driving while under the influence of either drugs or alcohol and are only convicted of a DUI and not any additional felony-level drug charges, […]

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Did you know that you can legally jaywalk in California? That’s right; you’re free to cross the road whenever you feel like it, even if you’re not in a crosswalk. You can even do so right in front of a police officer, and they won’t be able to stop you or issue a ticket. How […]

The Danger of Fentanyl

The Danger of Fentanyl

When fentanyl was first starting to generate some media attention, the synthetic opioid was a good thing. It was a popular and extremely effective method to treat extreme pain. Doctors commonly prescribed it post-surgery, and patients with advanced cancer often used it to help control their pain. When used in a medical setting and under […]

Escaping From Custody In California

Escaping From Custody In California

It doesn’t matter if you’ve already been convicted of a crime or simply been arrested but not formally charged, you’re not allowed to escape police custody. Doing so will only make your situation even worse. Attempting to escape from custody is a direct violation of California Penal Code 4532 PC. The way the law is […]

What Is A Civil Compromise?

What Is A Civil Compromise?

In some situations, you may be able to use civil compromise to get criminal charges dropped. The way civil compromise works is that in exchange for you fully compensating the victims of a crime you were involved with, the charges are dropped. This allows you to walk away from the situation without a criminal record. […]

4 Things Police Look For When Searching For Drunk Drivers In California

4 Things Police Look For When Searching For Drunk Drivers In California

Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver […]

Current Cell Phone Scams

Current Cell Phone Scams

It seems like this is the time of year when your cell phone never stops ringing. Most of the calls likely come from friends and family members who either want to catch up or who are hoping to finalize holiday plans. Other calls are probably simply Robo callers that signify a sales call. The challenge […]