Tag Archives: bail bonds near me visalia

Do You Care For A Loved One With Special Needs?

Care For Special Needs Visalia

When someone, young or old, goes missing or gets lost, their loved one can be filled with worry. Luckily, in most instances, the loved one has the ability to communicate with people to find his or her way back home. Unfortunately, some people do not have this basic ability. They either had it and lost […]

What Are Your Rights As An Airline Passenger?

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

The recent United Airlines incident involving a man being dragged off his overbooked flight has everyone wondering what their rights are in this kind of situation. The flight, heading to Louisville, KY, from Chicago, IL, was overbooked. No passenger volunteered to give up their seat, even after the airline offered accommodations and up to $800 […]

Copyrights And Public Domain

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

If you have ever tried to create something like a website, book, or video, then you most likely ran into two terms: copyrights and public domain. These two terms are very important whenever you create something new. However, not everyone knows what these terms mean or how they might affect you. COPYRIGHT: A copyright is […]

Do Not Let Yourself Get Conned

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

Are you a grandparent who has recently gotten a call from someone stating that your grandchild has been arrested and needs your help? If so, proceed with caution. A recent series of scams involves pretending to be a grandchild in need of financial help to get out of jail. The scam is simple enough, the […]

What To Know About Bail Bonds & How It Can Help You

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

If a person who is arrested and granted bail, but cannot afford it, they should not give up hope. 100% cash bail is not the only option to posting bail. Bail bonds are the alternate solution that most people opt for. Rather than paying 100% of the bail, the defendant and any loved ones willing […]

Do You Realize How Much Taxpayers Fund Jails?

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

What some people do not realize is that jails are funded by county and general municipal funds rather than correctional budgets. In other words, a portion of the taxes Californians pay go toward funding these jails. This probably upsets some people. They wonder why their taxes are going toward housing criminals. This can be a […]

Lesser Known Advantages Of Bail

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

The notion of allowing a defendant to post bail and be released from jail is a risky concept to some people. In their minds, it means another criminal who is possibly dangerous and is out on the streets, posing a threat to the public. These type of people only see this negativity of bail, they […]

Small Ways To Save Money

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

A savings account acts as a financial security blanket. Ideally, this savings account will be for future large wanted purchases like a wedding, a home, vacations, and your children’s college tuition. This is an account that should never be touched to withdraw money from – money only gets deposited into it. However, these savings accounts […]

What To Do When Your Loved One Needs You Most

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

When a person is arrested, it is too easy to believe that the rest of their life as they had planned it to be goes down the drain. As far as they are concerned, their reputation is tainted for life. They can kiss their dream job goodbye, and some friends and family will distance themselves. […]

What You Need To Know About Being A Bail Bond Co-Signer

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia

When a legal document needs a co-signer, it means it needs an additional person to cover the debt in case the first person cannot make good on their payments and promises. Co-signers are not uncommon for major purchases like cars, homes, loans, and even bail bonds. A co-signer will generally have a good credit history […]