A fairly common spectacle on the news, especially in Southern California, is a high speed chase. Whenever a high speed chase begins, news stations send their helicopters to follow it. This leads to thousands of people watching the pursuit with baited breath, waiting to see what will happen next and how it will all end. […]
Category Archives: Tulare Bail Bonds
Every driver has seen a sign telling them and their passengers to buckle their seat belts. Most people don’t need to be reminded to buckle up. They know that wearing their seat belt is the best way to stay safe in the event of an accident. However, there are still some people out there who […]
Everyone knows that kids get into trouble. Luckily, for the most part, kids tend to only get in trouble with their parents. As long as parents keep an eye on their children, and play an active role in the child’s life, the kid is less likely to wind up in serious trouble. However, that is […]
Dealing with an arrest is not something that anyone ever plans on having to handle. Unfortunately, no one really knows if and when someone they know and care about will be arrested. This leads to many people being caught off guard by their loved one’s arrest. They don’t know where to begin. Luckily for Californians, […]
Dealing with the arrest of a loved one is difficult for most people. No one ever plans on someone they know getting arrested and so they rarely are ever prepared to deal with an arrest. Unfortunately, an arrest can occur at any time without warning. When that happens, most people need a guide and helping […]
In this day and age, there really is no reason for anyone to ever drive drunk. Advancements in technology, primarily the smart phone, have made finding a ride home easy and affordable. Apps like Uber and Lyft allow a person to hire a ride at any time, just about anywhere. Despite this fact, some people […]
With the age of social media people have gained the ability to share all of their thoughts and ideas with the entire world. If they want to. Most people prefer to keep to themselves, since oversharing online is a pretty big deal. It can easily get a person into a lot of trouble. Many people […]
Tagging and graffiti are two things that most people have seen, especially if they live in an urban area. Pretty much every large city in the country is littered with graffiti and other signs of tagging. A lot of times, these random markings can make signs unreadable and change the look of the city for […]
When it comes to arrests and bail, most people have a lot questions. For instance, many people wonder what happens when a person is arrested. They often expect the arrest to happen quickly, however that is rarely the case. There is a whole process to booking someone into jail and it usually takes some time […]
Dealing with big purchases can be a bit of a hassle, especially without a payment plan. Payment plans are great because they break up a large payment into smaller, more manageable chunks for a person. Unfortunately, most places charge interest on their payment plans, making it cheaper to pay the large amount up front. Unfortunately, […]