Money and income are a regular topic of discussion for every household. There will always be a constant struggle to make more money to try to live a more pleasurable life. However, it is not always an easy goal, and the road to get there is a struggle. Income is always an issue. Income is […]
Category Archives: Bail Bonds News
Bail Bonds News
David Ortiz Bail Bonds can be the savior you never knew you had on your side until now. If there is anyone who can get you, or your loved one, out of jail, it is the David Ortiz Bail Bonds team. You may not be able to rely on many people to do this for […]
Once you have been arrested, you have 2 choices: jail or David Ortiz Bail Bonds. Picking the right choice should be a no-brainer: Jail Jail is overcrowded with other recently arrested individuals and individuals serving a short-term sentence following their arrest. Some of these people will be dangerous and intimidating criminals. There is little to […]
One might think that someone who is arrested for breaking the law and committing a crime is automatically stripped of their rights. It seems fairly logical – proper punishment, right? Wrong. People who have broken the law and gotten arrested may lose some rights, but not all. They still have rights, which they can use […]
When your loved one is in jail and you are trying to help bail him or her out as soon as possible, you are obviously going to look for a bail bond company who can work quickly and get the job done right. There are plenty of bad bail bond companies who will bail your […]
All kinds of laws surround California gun owners. There are laws for purchasing and selling guns and there are obviously laws for how guns are used. There are even laws for storing guns, which are no less important to know than all of the other laws about guns are. Storage laws are primarily meant to […]
Spring is springing and that means travelers are traveling! All kinds of destinations are calling our names, but sometimes, travel plans are rudely interrupted. An untimely arrest befalls a person and suddenly, they have to craft their immediate future around this legal case. Now, some people who bail out of jail will be allowed to […]
Turning 18 is a big deal because you officially become an adult. That means you can buy lotto tickets and cigarettes and you do not have to listen to all your parents’ orders. However, turning 18 and making your own decisions means you, not your parents, are responsible for your own actions now and you […]
What century are we in? That is certainly a question to ask, especially after you read about these odd, and yet quite entertaining, laws in California and America. In California It is illegal to serve alcohol to a gay person. Considering California is one of the more progressive and democratic states, it is time for […]
When a person is arrested for a crime, he or she will have an arraignment hearing, at which time the judge will announce how much his or her bail is. Fortunately, the individual does not have to pay for bail on his or her own. Anyone can help pay for bail if they wish, though […]