Author Archives: spiralmode

Filing A Restraining Order

Filing A Restraining Order

There is almost nothing more frightening than facing someone who refuses to leave you alone. What do you do when an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend refuses to stop calling after a harsh breakup? What do you do when someone finds you online and begins showing up at your home or place of work? What do you […]

Bicycle Traffic 101

Bicycle Traffic 101

A rite of passage for many young children is learning how to ride a bike. Whether it be the freedom of riding around your neighborhood, cycling to the ice cream parlor in the summer, or just going to visit a friend without having to depend on your parents, there is much fun to be had […]

Exercising Really Is Good For You

Exercising Really Is Good For You

If you were to ask someone for a way to stay healthy, there’s a good chance he or she would tell you to exercise. Many people believe that having a more active lifestyle is the key to staying healthy, both physically and mentally. As it turns out, these people are right. A recent study has […]

California Continues To Struggle With Housing Citizens

California Continues To Struggle With Housing Citizens

Housing is a huge concern in California. For the average person, trying to find a decent, affordable housing in many cities seems like a Herculean task, and it doesn’t look like things are going to change anytime soon. In the highly sought-after Bay Area, a recent study showed that the number of affordable houses has […]

Finding The Right Childcare Center

Finding The Right Childcare Center

What is your most valuable asset? Depending on who you are and what you care about, the answer to this question could vary. It may be your car, your home, or even a fancy television. What precautionary steps do you take to protect those assets? Before you purchased something with such a high value, did […]

Californians Need To Be Prepared

Californians Need To Be Prepared

California is pretty well known for its earthquakes, and while the state gets several hundreds of small earthquakes a year, the area is prone to another form of natural disaster. Every Californian knows that the state gets several wildfires a year, and with the state still facing drought, the fires have been getting larger. Summer […]

How To Prevent Mosquitos

How To Prevent Mosquitos

It’s happened! On Friday, June 15, The L.A. County Department of Public Health announced the first case of the West Nile Virus infection in L.A. county for 2018. According to ABC7, A San Gabriel Valley resident was admitted to the hospital in May 2018 and later diagnosed with the disease. West Nile virus is spread […]

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Many people view Labor Day as one of the final summer barbecue holidays. It provides a relaxing three day weekend for everyone and lets people have a lot of fun. Unfortunately, this all means that the reason behind the actual holiday is often left forgotten. In fact, not many people could even tell you why […]

Don’t Let Your Stuff Get Added To The Collection

Don’t Let Your Stuff Get Added To The Collection

Everybody has stuff that they enjoy owning, and would hate to lose. Unfortunately, there are people out there that like to steal other people’s stuff. That is why the Los Angeles County Sheriffs are running a series of ads for the “Stolen Collection.” At first glance, one might think that the poster is an advertisement […]

Are Your Words Offensive?

Are Your Words Offensive?

As Americans we love our freedom, and one of our favorite freedoms is our freedom of speech. This is granted to us by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The amendment allows us to speak our minds, practice any religion, and protest. The internet now allows us to exercise our First Amendment right daily […]