Tag Archives: affordable bail bonds midvalley

I Was Caught Using My Cell Phone While Driving. Now What?

Midvalley Bail Bonds

What we do know is that in California, drivers are prohibited from using their cell phone while they are behind the wheel, with a few exceptions. What we do not know is what the consequences are if we are caught doing so. EXCEPTIONS A driver may use their cell phone if they are making an […]

Bail Bond Contingencies

Midvalley Bail Bonds

While bail bonds offer more flexibility and are more affordable than cash bail, there are a few extra contingencies attached to bail bonds than cash bail. With cash bail, the defendant has to stay out of trouble, show up for court, and if applicable, obey curfew, travel restrictions, restraining orders, or attend classes. With bail […]

Arrested For Licking A Toad? You Can Post Bail For That

Midvalley Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are used to release defendants from jail who are accused of all sorts of crimes, such as theft, conspiracy, or domestic violence. You know, typical things that are obviously crimes. However, did you know that in California, a person can still technically be arrested for one of these outlandishly wacky laws? Women may […]

Posting Bail Has Its Many Benefits

Midvalley Bail Bonds

When someone is arrested for a crime, then they post bail, there are two thoughts on the situation. One thought comes from some strangers, “Great, a criminal back on the streets.” The second thought comes from family and friends, “He or she can get some freedom back!” Whether you see the negativity or positivity in […]