Category Archives: Bail Bonds News

Bail Bonds News

Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

Certain things in life are cute, like baby animals. Giving someone a sentimental, thinking of you, gift or complimenting someone’s outfit or attitude is cute. You know what isn’t cute? Abuse, threats and stalking. These acts are harassment. To be more precise, those actions fall under civil harassment. Civil harassment goes beyond just being rude […]

California’s Attitude Towards Illegally Obtained Evidence

California’s Attitude Towards Illegally Obtained Evidence

Most of us assume that the laws about what is and what isn’t legally obtained evidence to be black and white; however, there are actually quite a few gray areas when it comes to illegally obtained evidence in California. One example of the murkiness surrounding how evidence is obtained is a police officer who happened […]

Smoking Marijuana While Driving

Smoking Marijuana While Driving

While the rest of the country may be debating what to do about cannabis, Californians have already decided. California recently legalized marijuana for recreational use. We followed several other states like Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. While we weren’t the first ones to legalize weed recreationally, we are still one of the eight states that allows […]

Can They Really Tax Soda?

Can They Really Tax Soda?

In recent years, cities across the country have begun to add an additional tax on sodas and other sugary drinks in an effort to reduce their sales. The hope with these taxes is that it will discourage people from buying the drink, and therefore help lower peoples risk of obesity and diabetes. Naturally, this is […]

Never Try To Race A Train

Never Try To Race A Train

Running across railroads is pretty common in day to day life. You may walk alongside one on your morning jog or cross one when driving to work. They are a part of everyday life, and for the most part they do not interfere. However, every once in a while you get stuck at a crossing […]

Back To School Basics

Back To School Basics

It’s been one amazing summer! We hope that you and your family have enjoyed quality time together, family vacations, playing outside, and sleeping in. As July comes to a close and we flip the page to August, there is only one thing looming in the minds of children and teens; it’s already time to gear […]

The Truth About Criminal Threats

The Truth About Criminal Threats

Threats are a part of life, a knee jerk reaction to anger, hurt feelings, and fear. Most people make threats without any intention of ever carrying them out. However, in this current world where school shootings and other heinous acts seem to be a weekly occurrence, people and members of the law enforcement community are […]

Keeping Cool In The Peak Of Summer

Keeping Cool In The Peak Of Summer

As the summer heat begins to grip the state of California, keeping cool is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. We all want to get out of the sun and find a nice air conditioned place to hide out. Luckily, California has plenty of options when it comes to keeping cool, you just need to […]

The Call You Never Want To Make

The Call You Never Want To Make

Whenever you have to call 911, it’s never a good thing. No one ever calls 911 to celebrate a victory. When you call 911, it’s usually because things have taken a turn for the worst and the situation is out of your control. When you dial 911, you aren’t just calling the police. You’re calling […]