Author Archives: spiralmode

Saving Someone From Jail Doesn’t Have To Be Costly

Saving Someone From Jail Doesn’t Have To Be Costly

Spending money isn’t always as fun as you’d like it to be. Sometimes you get to spend it on something that you really want, and other times you have to spend it on something that you need. Unfortunately, those expenses that you need to pay for usually aren’t cheap. While spending large amounts of money […]

What To Expect At DUI Checkpoints This New Year’s Eve

What To Expect At DUI Checkpoints This New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is arguably one of the biggest party nights of the year. Everyone is staying up late waiting to ring the New Year in with flair. All of this partying has a tendency to lead to a lot of drinking. Unfortunately, this leads to a lot of people drinking and driving. In order […]

No Pets While Driving

No Pets While Driving

Anyone who has a pet knows how fun they are to be around. Often times, pet owners would prefer to spend time at home with their furry companion rather than deal with people. They often fantasize about being able to take their pet to work with them, just to make the day more bearable. Unfortunately, […]

California Requires Solar Panels On All New Houses

California Requires Solar Panels On All New Houses

The state of California is known for being pretty forward thinking when it comes to several things, including going green. Recently, the state of California took another step toward making the state greener by requiring all new homes to be powered by solar. The California Building Standards Commission voted on the measure in early December […]

You Didn’t Plan On Needing Bail, But You Handled It Quickly

You Didn’t Plan On Needing Bail, But You Handled It Quickly

One minute, everything was going great, and the next thing you know you are getting a call from jail. One of your loved ones was arrested, and asking you for help. You didn’t plan on bailing someone out of jail today, and yet here you are. Helping your friend or family member get out of […]

Help With Bail Is Always A Good Thing

Help With Bail Is Always A Good Thing

When something bad happens to someone that you care about, you spring into action. You are not about to let your friend or family member suffer through anything alone if you can help it. That is why when your loved one calls you from jail asking for bail help, you spring into action. You’ve never […]

Where Do You Get Rid Of Your Trash?

Where Do You Get Rid Of Your Trash?

Trash is always a bit of a problem, and anyone who has driven on California’s roadways can confirm that. The state’s roads are littered with rubbish that people have simply abandoned there. It happens all of the time, and in many cases, people get away with it. Due to the perceived lack of consequences for […]

Looking To Avoid Road Rage This Holiday Season

Looking To Avoid Road Rage This Holiday Season

The holidays are meant to be a fun and enjoyable time of the year. Unfortunately, the increase in traffic around this time of year can cause a driver to go insane. All of this extra traffic comes from shoppers looking for the perfect gifts for their loved ones and travelers looking to spend time with […]

We Provide Flexible Payment Options

David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia Provide Flexible Payment Options

Your life is a constantly changing and evolving thing. What works for you at one point in your life, may not work for you a few months down the line. Due to this fact, all long term plans need to be flexible enough to accommodate change. Here at David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia, we […]

Avoid Extra Traveling This Holiday Season

Avoid Extra Traveling This Holiday Season

When the holidays roll around, people do a lot of traveling. They all want to go out and see their families and loved ones. Traveling for these reasons can be hectic, but it is pretty much always fun to see loved ones again. However, there are some times where traveling is not fun or welcome. […]