Author Archives: spiralmode

What To Do When Traffic Lights Stops Working

What To Do When Traffic Lights Stops Working

With all of the technology around us that helps keep the world running, it can be hard to imagine what things used to be like before that tech existed. How could people have lived without all of this amazing stuff? Well, every once in a while we get to find out. As amazing as all […]

Beware Of Extreme Heat This Summer

Beware Of Extreme Heat This Summer

Summer is in full swing here in California, and many parts of the state are feeling the heat. While for some this is a nice change of pace from the cold of winter, for others this is just another extreme to be dealt with. Just like the cold, the heat can become harmful and even […]

What Documents Do You Need To Post Bail?

What Documents Do You Need To Post Bail?

When it comes to bail, most people are a bit of a loss. After all, no one ever really plans on needing bail, and therefore no one ever talks about it. This leaves people lost and confused when they suddenly find themselves needing bail. Luckily, there are professionals available to help at David Ortiz Bail […]

Getting Out Of Jail Is Easy With Us On Your Side

Getting Out Of Jail Is Easy With Us On Your Side

One of the last things anyone wants to do is get arrested. When a person gets arrested, they are tossed into a concrete cell and locked behind iron bars. The person loses their ability to go wherever they want whenever they want. This is why everyone wants to get out of jail as soon as […]

Be Careful Meeting People From The Internet In Real Life

Be Careful Meeting People From The Internet In Real Life

Over the last few years, the internet has become an almost integral part of people’s everyday lives. Most people can’t go a day without going online for one reason or another. The internet has allowed people to do a whole lot without ever leaving their homes, such as shopping or communicating with people. As detached […]

Could Banning Facial Recognition Become The New Norm?

Could Banning Facial Recognition Become The New Norm?

Today’s modern world has a lot of technology that at one point had simply been considered science fiction. Things such as ear buds, video calls, and mobile phones were just cool, out of this world ideas when they were first depicted in books and movies. Nowadays, they are a part of everyday life for most […]

Scammers Using Earthquakes To Run Cons

Scammers Using Earthquakes To Run Cons

Californians are well aware of the fact that by living in California, they are choosing to live with earthquakes. This is an easy commitment to make with how infrequently large quakes happen. However, once a decent sized earthquake rumbles through, people begin to second guess their decision. This is what is happening for many Californians, […]

Bail Your Loved One Out This Summer

Bail Your Loved One Out This Summer

No one likes losing their freedom, especially during the summer. Summer time is meant to be spent with family and friends having as much fun as possible. No one wants to miss out on that. Due to that fact, no one likes to get arrested. Getting arrested means getting locked away in jail and not […]

Bail Is More Affordable Than You Think

Bail Is More Affordable Than You Think

Bail is not a topic that most people want to discuss. Talking about it means that either they think someone they know will get arrested, or someone has been arrested. Neither one is something people want to think about or admit to. Unfortunately, sometimes people get arrested. If it is someone that you care about, […]

Fire Season Arrives In California With Summer

Fire Season Arrives In California With Summer

Summer is here, and for most people this means it’s time for parties, vacations, and trips. Everyone has their own to enjoy summer. While the season is great for relaxing, one aspect of this time of year can be incredibly stressful. As the temperatures rise in California, wildfires become more prominent across the state. Wildfires […]