Author Archives: spiralmode

Gun Safety Tips And Laws In California

Gun Safety Tips And Laws In California

When it comes to owning a gun, an owner has to be very careful. A gun is a powerful tool and needs to be treated with the proper care and respect. This is why the state of California has several laws and regulations around owning a firearm. State legislators want to ensure everyone’s safety. Safety […]

What Are The Laws About Marijuana In California?

What Are The Laws About Marijuana In California?

Proposition 64 was passed by voters in November 2016. This set the groundwork for the recreational use of marijuana to become legal in the state on January 1st, 2018. This changed up how marijuana could be used in California, and removed many of the penalties for smaller marijuana based offenses. However, it did not legalize […]

Do You Need A Warrant Check In California?

Do You Need A Warrant Check In California?

Bailing someone out of jail is no fun, but here at David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Exeter we do everything that we can to help you. We will always help you get your loved ones out of jail, but that is not all that we do here. We also provide FREE warrant checks for clients […]

Let Us Be There For You, So You Don’t Face Bail Alone

Let Us Be There For You, So You Don’t Face Bail Alone

There are things in life that are hard to get over and move past. An arrest is a perfect example of this. Getting out of jail is not easy, at least not on your own. Luckily, there are professionals available to offer their assistance to anyone in California who needs it. All you have to […]

Are Plastic Water Bottles Left In Hot Cars Dangerous?

Are Plastic Water Bottles Left In Hot Cars Dangerous?

This summer, people are doing everything in their power to beat the heat and stay safe. After all, no one wants to suffer from heat related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. One of the best ways to avoid both of those conditions is for a person to remain hydrated throughout the day. […]

Make Sure Your Donations Go Where They Can Actually Help

Make Sure Your Donations Go Where They Can Actually Help

When someone is in trouble, there are always people out there who are willing to offer their assistance. It is one of the great things about people. It is truly amazing to watch people come together to support and aid those in need. Recent events have shook the nation, and these tragic events have brought […]

Vaping On The Rise In Schools

Vaping On The Rise In Schools

Here in the US, recent studies and surveys have found that smoking amongst teens is actually on the decline. Less and less teens are smoking cigarettes, and that’s great. Unfortunately, that is not the only trend that recent studies have found. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2 million middle […]

Don’t Let the Thought of Bail Scare You

Don’t Let the Thought of Bail Scare You

There are a lot of things in life that scare people. For the most part, these scary things aren’t so much scary as they are simply new experiences. People are afraid of these things because they have no idea how they work. A perfect example of this is when someone wants to post bail for […]

We Provide 0% Bail For Qualified Clients

We Provide 0% Bail For Qualified Clients

Big expenses are rarely ever easy to deal with, especially when they come up without warning. This is often the case when a person gets arrested and wants to post bail. The arrest comes without warning, and the bail costs several thousands of dollars. Most average individuals do not have that kind of money lying […]

Phony Email Flight Confirmation You Didn’t Book

Phony Email Flight Confirmation You Didn’t Book

With summer here, many people are preparing for vacation trips. Some people will just drive across the state, others will be flying to new destinations. Vacations are, after all, a great way to take some time for oneself to rest and recuperate. After all, most jobs can be pretty stressful. Getting away for a little […]