Tag Archives: visalia bail program

Crime Rates And The 10 Safest Places To Live In California


Whether a person is looking to move or just wants to know how safe their neighborhood is, they will probably end up looking at crime rates. Looking at crime rates and statistics allows a person to get a good idea of how safe or dangerous an area may be. Having this information helps a person […]

At What Age Can You Leave Your Child Alone


Every parent has been there. They need to quickly run into town for something such as a gallon of milk, an emergency dental appointment, or to pick up something from work. You don’t want to bring your child with you, but you’re not sure if you’re legally allowed to leave them at home. California’s Laws […]

Resisting Arrest In California


Resisting arrest is usually an additional charge individuals discover they have to deal with after they’ve been arrested. What Is Resisting Arrest? The easiest way to think of resisting arrest is to consider it a catchall phrase/charge police use to describe basically any situation where a suspect fails to quietly submit to being arrested. Individuals […]

Dog Bites In California


Everyone’s excitement about having pets back in the White House has dimmed considerably following reports that President Biden’s rescue dog, Major, allegedly bit someone. The immediate reaction to the incident was to relocate both presidential dogs. Dog bites are the biggest fear many dog owners have. Any dog is capable of biting a person. One […]

You’ve Been Arrested For DUI… Again


Getting arrested and charged for DUI once in California is terrifying and life-altering. The second time you’re arrested for the same thing is even worse. Like many states, California lawmakers have decided that to take a hard stance on drunk drivers. One of the ways they’ve done this is by creating laws that make a […]

Standing Your Ground In California


In California, you have the right to defend yourself, even if you’re not inside of your home at the time. The issue is dealt with in California’s self-defense laws which are more popularly referred to as Stand-Your-Ground laws. What the Stand-Your-Ground laws do is provide you with a way to hold tight and defend yourself […]

Smoking And Driving


Somewhere along the way, a rumor started to spread. The rumor was that you couldn’t legally smoke and drive a car. This has alarmed many drivers who find that smoking helps them relax and pass the time while they’re stuck in traffic. It’s also likely resulted in the police fielding many calls from concerned motorists […]

Obstructing The Police In California


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, obstructing the police is, “The offense of hindering a police officer who is in the course of doing his duty (Police Act 1996 s 89). “Obstruction” includes any intentional interference, e.g. by physical force, threats, telling lies or giving misleading information, refusing to cooperate in removing an obstruction or […]

Child Endangerment In California


California’s lawmakers believe that adults have a moral and legal responsibility to protect children. Failing to do so can put you on the wrong side of the law. The California Penal Code 273a PC deals with the issue of child endangerment. The interesting thing about Penal Code 273a PC is that while it deals with […]

How To Dress Properly For Court


It doesn’t matter if you’re in civil or legal court, you want to make sure you’ve dressed appropriately. The good news is that getting dressed for court isn’t difficult. It’s also likely that you have most of the items needed to make a good impression so you don’t have to worry about the expense of […]