Author Archives: spiralmode

Conserving Water In California

Conserving Water In California

While the drought may technically be over for many areas of California, it is never a bad idea to conserve water. Not only is conserving water good for the planet, it can be very good for your wallet as well. Many people argue against water conservation, stating that 71% of the earth is covered in […]

When Social Media Pranks Turn Into Crimes

When Social Media Pranks Turn Into Crimes

Do not be surprised if you post incriminating content on your social media and then a few days later, the police come knocking at your door. Social media is no longer just about exchanging memories and connecting with friends. It is now also about business, politics, and even fighting crime. If something suspicious pops up […]

Passing Cars While Driving

Passing Cars While Driving

It is no surprise that Californians spend a lot of time behind the wheels. This means we spend a lot of time on the road, which makes it very likely that we’ve encountered other drivers who are less than great. Every once in a while, we will come across a driver going far below the […]

Why Modern Generation Is Losing The True Meaning Of LOVE

Why Modern Generation Is Losing The True Meaning Of LOVE

The true meaning of love has vanished in today’s society, by having virtual lives on the social media. Shakespeare wrote that “love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind”, but what if we as a generation are focusing too much on looking with the eyes, rather than our minds? We live in the […]

Singles’ Guide To Surviving Valentine’s Day

Singles' Guide To Surviving Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, or Single Awareness Day, is coming up. It’s that frustrating time of year that all the couples get all “aww” with one another and meanwhile the single folk get a different kind of “aww”. It’s the time of year when all of your family asks you if there’s a “special someone” in your […]

The History Of Valentine’s Day

The History Of Valentine’s Day

It’s time to pull out the candies and red hearts because Valentine’s Day is here. Single bodies beware or go into hibernation since ridiculous grand gestures of love are here. Couples, be prepared for the stress that you’re about to endure because all eyes are on you this season. Why do we do this to […]

Ways To Deal With A Stressful Work Environment

Ways To Deal With A Stressful Work Environment

We have all had a stressful day on the job, but when a stressful day turns into weeks and months, something has to give. One-third of a person’s life is spent at work, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It only makes sense that if you’re stressed out over work, the other two-thirds of […]

Surf’s Up! Why You Should Be Surfing In The Winter

Surf’s Up! Why You Should Be Surfing In The Winter

One of the many benefits of living in California is that you’re right by the coast. In California, you can go ski in the mountains, go hiking in the pines, drive through the desert, and surf on the coast all in one day. Some might assume the best time to go to the coast is […]

Are You Using These Words Correctly?

Are You Using These Words Correctly?

There are dozens of words within the English language that are misused regularly. This is not a surprising fact. With so many words within our language, everyone will misuse a word from time to time. All a person can do is learn from the mistake, and try not to repeat it. In most instances of […]

Have You Heard Of These Strange Laws?

Have You Heard Of These Strange Laws

Just about everyone knows that not every idea is a good idea. We’ve all had ideas that we thought were great at the time, but learned in retrospect that they really weren’t that great. It can surprise some people to learn that even state governments have bad ideas from time to time. Some of these […]