Author Archives: spiralmode

Tailgating in California

Tailgating in California

There are two types of tailgating in California. The fun kind involves loading up your pickup, gathering a bunch of friends and feasting in the parking lot while you prepare for a big football game. That kind of tailgating is fun and legal. It’s also not the type of tailgating this article explores. The type […]

How Many DUIs Can You Get Before Losing Your License?

How Many DUIs Can You Get Before Losing Your License?

It’s no secret that if you’re caught driving while under the influence of an illegal amount of drugs or alcohol in California, you’ll not only be arrested and fined, but you’ll also be convicted of a misdemeanor and have your driver’s license suspended. In most cases, the hassle of losing your driver’s license and finding […]

What Happens If You Do Not Show Up For Jury Duty?

What Happens If You Do Not Show Up For Jury Duty?

Our justice system depends heavily on jury duty. If you are contacted about jury duty, you’re expected to attend and uphold your civic responsibilities. First, it is important to understand that even though you have been contacted about jury duty and are expected to serve, there are some exceptions. The court will excuse you for […]

What Is Sober Living In California?

What Is Sober Living In California?

When most people hear the term sober living, they assume that it refers to a person who has decided to completely abstain from alcohol and drugs. The truth is that sober living is actually a program that’s designed to help addicts start the long road to recovery. Sober living in California involves an addict moving […]

Who Is Liable When You’re Injured In A Slip-And-Fall Accident?

Who Is Liable When You're Injured In A Slip-And-Fall Accident?

Slip-and-fall accidents happen. While they are sometimes the result of simple clumsiness on your part, in most cases, a slip-and-fall accident has a specific trigger. Examples of a trigger include a piece of torn carpeting that catches your toe, a piece of ice laying on a linoleum floor or someone failing to pick up a […]

What To Do When You’ve Been Involved In A Car Accident

What To Do When You’ve Been Involved In A Car Accident

Car accidents happen and even when you do everything in your power to drive defensively and avoid a collision, there could be a time when despite your best efforts you find yourself involved in an accident which is why now is the best time to learn the proper way to respond. Secure Your Car The […]

Teen Marijuana Use In California

Teen Marijuana Use In California

Recreational marijuana is legal in California. However, that doesn’t mean that teens are allowed to partake in marijuana. At this point, it’s legal for anyone who is over the age of 21 to grow, use and carry marijuana in California. That age limit is important. If a person is 21 and enjoying some marijuana, they’re […]

Are You Being Gaslighted?

Are You Being Gaslighted?

Gaslighting is a phrase we hear more and more of lately. While we’re all becoming familiar with the term and know that it’s not a good thing, many of us still aren’t entirely sure what gaslighting is or how to recognize if we’re a victim of it. The best way to explain gaslighting is that […]

How To Report A Missing Person

How To Report A Missing Person

There is nothing funny about having a friend or family member fail to be where you expect them to be. The problem becomes even worse when you are unable to contact them via a cell phone call. Many people who are in this situation mistakenly believe that their loved one must be missing for a […]

How To Clear Your Criminal Record

How To Clear Your Criminal Record

Having a criminal record adversely impacts your life. Depending on the severity of the convictions, your criminal record can make it difficult for you to find housing, establish relationships and secure some jobs. The fact that you’re living in the technological age where anyone with internet access has the ability to locate your criminal history […]