Author Archives: spiralmode

The Difference Between A State And Federal Warrant

The Difference Between A State And Federal Warrant

Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given them permission to do so, or if they’ve gone through the correct legal channels and acquired a warrant. The same is true when it comes to arrests. While there are some exceptions, such as drunk […]

Social Media And Slander

Social Media And Slander

Social media has a weird impact on our lives. We tend to think that we’re free to say anything we want on our social media accounts and that we never have to worry about the potential consequences of our words. As a result, we say things about people without realizing that those same words could […]

Hiding A Suspect From Police

Hiding A Suspect From Police

We have a natural inclination to help out our friends and family. Sometimes that inclination can get us into serious trouble. A perfect example of this is how we are willing to provide sanctuary for loved ones after they’ve committed a crime. While we may not approve of what they’ve done, we also hate the […]

What To Do If You Find A Body In California

What To Do If You Find A Body In California

Many of us dread the idea of finding a human body. Wondering how we’d react in that exact moment and how badly the experience would haunt us is exactly the kind of thing that keeps up all night long. The good news is that most of us will make it through our entire lives without […]

Using Stolen Credit And Debit Cards In California

Using Stolen Credit And Debit Cards In California

Unless you have the card owner’s permission, it’s illegal to use a credit or debit card that doesn’t belong to you. It doesn’t matter if you found the card lying in the middle of a parking lot, have the card that belongs to someone who has recently passed away or once had permission to use […]

How The Press Will Handle California Protests In 2022

How The Press Will Handle California Protests In 2022

One of the concerns many people have recently voiced is that there have been instances of the police making it difficult for members of the press to cover protests. The issue has been hotly debated in California, a debate that led to the creation of the Senate Bill No. 98 (SB98 Bill). It’s easy to […]

Obstruction Of Justice Laws In California

Obstruction Of Justice Laws In California

A surprising number of people think that obstruction of justice is something the writers of procedural shows made up in order to correct plot holes. While it’s true, obstruction of justice is an overused plot device, it is also a real thing. If you live in California, there are a few things you should know […]

Crosswalk Safety In California

Crosswalk Safety In California

Walking to work means you don’t have to worry about getting caught in a traffic jam. It’s a great way to build some stamina while also burning a few calories. It also provides you with the means to start slowing down and develop a connection with the world you live in. Just don’t think that […]

Tips For Fighting Parking Tickets

Tips For Fighting Parking Tickets

All of us have dealt with parking tickets at some point in our lives. Most of the time, we simply grit our teeth, pay the connected fine and promise ourselves that next time, we’ll do a better job of making it back to our vehicle before the meter runs out. But what about those times […]

The Ins And Outs Of Medical Malpractice

The Ins And Outs Of Medical Malpractice

Mistakes happen. The problem is that when a member of the medical profession makes a mistake, there is a good chance that a person’s health and/or overall quality of life could be impacted. In some cases, a mistake could result in someone losing their life. According to the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys (ABPLA,) […]