California tiene unas leyes de manejo muy tolerantes (alto rodado de california, división de carril, ir con la corriente del tráfico en vez de la velocidad fijada en las autopistas) Pero eso no quiere decir que nunca obtendrá una multa de tráfico por ellas, y definitivamente no querrá decir que debe ignorar la multa y […]
Monthly Archives: October 2015
A veces, manejando un problema solo no es suficiente. A veces, conseguir ayuda de amigos o familia no es suficiente. En estas a veces es cuando necesita conseguir ayuda profesional: un terapista, rehabilitación, apoyo de grupos de comunidad, un agente de fianzas. Estos grupos e individuales le pueden ayudar mejor porque están entrenados para ayudar […]
¿Nosotros aquí en David Ortiz Bail Bonds, le podríamos dar una mano llena de cosas de las que se tenga que preocupar menos? Nosotros sabemos que está pasando por un tiempo difícil con muchas cosas de que preocuparse sobre el arresto de su ser querido. Encima de todo, usted tiene su propia vida y cosas […]
Sucio. Oscuro. Incomodo. Aislado. Peligroso. Todos estos son términos que describen la cárcel, donde su ser querido se encuentra ahorita. Sin embargo, ellos no tienen que estar allí. Usted lo puede sacar de la cárcel y tenerlo de regreso en casa con usted donde estarán salvos y rodeados de caras conocidas. Usted puede mantener su […]
Can we at David Ortiz Bail Bonds give you a handful of things to worry less about? We know you’re going through a very difficult time right now with so many things to worry about regarding your loved one’s arrest. On top of that, you’ve got your own life to live and own things to […]
Dirty. Dark. Uncomfortable. Isolation. Dangerous. These are all terms that describe jail, where your loved one is right now. Yet, they shouldn’t have to be there. You can get them out of jail and back home to you where they are safe and surrounded by familiar friendly faces. You can remain protective over them this […]
Bail is offered for most criminals but in extreme cases, a judge will deny bail altogether for a criminal deemed too dangerous and crime too horrendous. For example, a man responsible for the awful death of a young 2 year old girl in Boston was denied bail. He was the boyfriend of the girl’s mother, […]
California has some pretty lax driving laws (California roll stop, lane splitting, going with the flow of traffic instead of the posted speed limit on freeways) but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever get a ticket for them, and that definitely doesn’t mean you should ignore the ticket and not pay it. Plus, all the […]
Sometimes, handling an issue by ourselves is not enough. Sometimes, getting help from friends or family is also not enough. It is these sometimes that you should seek professional help: a therapist, rehab, community support groups, a bail agent. These are the groups and individuals who can help you best because they are either trained […]
Regardless of your income, you are highly encouraged to post bail. No one should have to sit in jail, which is why we at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store offer affordable alternatives for paying bail. Just to be clear, even if you can afford to pay 100% of your bail, you can still contact Los […]