Tag Archives: lynwood inmates location

You Just Might Be The Role Model To Someone Who Is Older Than You

Who says role models have to be people who are older than you are? Age doesn’t matter. It’s the qualities and characteristics of the role model that matters. Some younger people might be very mature and wise for their age. Some older people may have continuous mess-ups. What being a good role model means, is […]

Do You Forget Your Rights When The Police Are Around? Brush Up On Them Now

Did you know that you don’t have to let the police into your home if they don’t have a search warrant? We all find the police intimidating so many people don’t know their exact rights. That needs to change. An officer who shows up to your home will need a warrant to search your home, […]

The Miranda Rights Are Your Rights

You probably have heard and seen on television cops say to the people they are arresting, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you…” You probably though, have never learned about the significance of this phrase, and what it means to anyone who is arrested. Before […]