Como siempre, ay que dar gracias por los amigos y la familia. Puede sonar como tópico pero usted nunca puede dar tantas gracias por la gente más importante en su vida. Estas personas que lo criaron, crecieron con usted, le ensenaron la diferencia del bien y el mal. Ellos son las personas que admira, respeta, […]
Category Archives: Bail Bonds Blog
Con el crecimiento de las redes sociales llega el crecimiento de intimidación-cibernética, desafortunadamente. Definida, intimidación cibernética usando comunicaciones electrónicas como correo electrónico, mensajes de texto, las redes sociales, etc., para molestar, intimidar, o acosar a otra persona. En california, individuos que son encontrados intimidando-cibernéticamente estar desobedeciendo la ley. Es en crimen menor de un año […]
As always, be thankful for friends and family. It might come off as cliché but you can never be too thankful for these most important people in your life. These are the people who raise you, grow up with you, teach you right from wrong. They’re the people you look up to, respect, and aspire […]
One of the biggest questions we at David Ortiz Bail Bonds get (especially now, during the end of the year), is if a person who bails out of jail, can travel. Holiday vacations and travel plans have been locked in for some time before the arrest occurred. Nobody likes having to cancel or change plans […]
With the rise of social media comes the rise of cyber-bullying, unfortunately. Defined, cyber-bullying is using electronic communications like email, text, social media, etc. to harass, intimidate, or annoy another person. In California, individuals who are caught cyber-bullying are breaking the law. It’s a misdemeanor crime with up to a year in jail and/ or […]
Our cell phones and social media have become our very best friends, but they can also be our worst enemies. It’s called over-sharing. We all know that one, two, or too many people who post so much on social media. It can be very annoying. But then there are those people who stupidly post incriminating […]
It’s no secret that rain makes drivers well, worse. Especially in harsh weather, it’s dangerous to be driving. The roads are slippery, it can get very windy, and the rain splattering on the windows prevent clear visibility. With Winter weather approaching and this year, the historic El Niño too, we’re here to give you a […]
On November 10, 1775, a whole 240 years ago our Marine Corps was born. But did you know they that they celebrate their birthday, just like me and you! US Marines serve on land and at sea, their motto is “Semper Fidelis” which means always loyal. The first ever formal ball was held in Philadelphia […]
Es muy importante recordar que nadie es perfecto. Todos cometemos errores y tenemos defectos, pero todos son capases de mejorar. Esto incluye la gente que alguna vez tuvo problemas con la ley. Alguna persona que conozca y quiere sinceramente puede ser arrestado algun día. ¿Es una persona mala? No necesariamente. A usted, ellos lo mas […]
California tiene ciertas leyes para fianza y fianzas de bonos que tienen que ser seguidas. Usted sabe que los acusados tienen el derecho de fianza no-excesiva y que el dependiente tiene varias opciones para pagar una fianza como diferentes tipos de fianzas de bonos. Pero aquí ay otras regulaciones de las que a la mejor […]