Who Can Bail Someone Out

People have a lot of questions when it comes to bailing someone out of jail. Most people don’t use bail on a day to day basis, so this confusion is understandable. Luckily, the professionals working at David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Tulare are more than capable of helping provide answers for those questions.

Here are just a few examples of the questions our agents answer all the time:

  • What is a co-signer?
    A co-signer is a person who is willing to take responsibility for the bail bond and sign the paperwork. They are in charge of making sure that payments are made on time and that their friend or family member goes to all of their court dates. There can be multiple co-signers for a bail bond.
  • Who can bail someone out?
    Unlike what some people may think, a person doesn’t have to be related to someone in order to post their bail. You just need to know enough about the person in order to fill out the paperwork for the bail bond.
  • If I cannot bail somebody out immediately, up to how many days do I have to be able to bail them out of jail?
    In most cases, the only time limit to bailing someone out of jail is their trial period. Once the trial is over, the person is no longer bailable. So you have until then to get the person out of jail.
  • What happens if I do not post bail?
    Your loved one stays in jail for the remainder of their trial.
  • Can you bail someone out of jail in Nevada?
    No, we cannot. David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Tulare is only licensed to provide bail bonds within the state of California. If you are looking to bail someone out in another state, you will need to contact a bail agent in that state.
  • Can you tell me what my loved one was arrested for?
    Yes, but in order to do that we will first need to locate your loved one’s name in the jail system. We will need, at the very least, his or her name, date of birth, and the county of arrest.

This is just a small sample of the questions our bail agents are asked on a daily basis. Hopefully this helps answer some of your questions. If not, you can always call us. We work around the clock, that means open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including holidays), and consultations are always FREE!

For a FREE consultation or if you have any questions regarding bail bonds, call David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Tulare at 1-866-485-6356 or 661-326-0608 or click Talk To An Agent Now to chat.