Affordable Bail Help Near Visalia

Sometimes things happen in life in a way that you don’t like. As much as you’d like to change them, these things are often resilient to your best efforts to fix them. One instance where this may feel like it is the case, is when a loved one gets arrested. You don’t want him or her to be in jail, but you also don’t have the money to post bail. At least not on your own.

No matter how hard you try, there simply is no way for you to save up that much money any time soon. You almost gave up on the idea of getting your friend or family member out of jail, but then you found David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia. You realized that with our help, you could actually bail out your loved one.

Here at David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia we make bailing someone out of jail an affordable option.

The way we help our clients is by providing them with a bail bond that only costs 10% of their loved one’s bail. This means that our clients get themselves a 90% discount just by coming to us. However, the great deal doesn’t stop there.

We also offer qualified clients an additional 20% discount on the price of the bail bond. This means that they will only have to pay 8% of the full bail price.

To qualify for this discount, one of the co-signers for the bail bond has to be one of the following:

  • A union member
  • A member of the military
  • A member of AARP
  • A homeowner
  • A client of a private attorney

So long as you or one of the people signing for the bail bond meets one of those requirements, then you qualify for the 20% discount.

Lastly, here at David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia we provide all of our clients with personalized payment plans. This breaks up the cost of the bail bond and spreads it out over several months making it much easier for our clients to manage paying for it.

If you were thinking that bailing your friend or family member out of jail would be impossible, think again. All you need is a little help from David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia. Let us show you how affordable bailing someone out of jail can be.

You can get a FREE consultation with a professional bail agent simply by calling David Ortiz Bail Bonds in Visalia at 1-866-485-6356 or 661-326-0608 or by clicking Chat With Us now.