Lo Bueno es que si puede mantener un ambiente saludable, y sano, para su familia, ellos crecerán bien. Usted está exponiendo a sus hijos a nuevos lugares, nuevas actividades, previéndole una educación impactante. Usted es un padre o madre amoroso (a) que exceda en el trabajo y en la casa. Sus hijos querrán ser como […]
Monthly Archives: November 2015
• Los Réditos en planes de pagos más bajos basado en su situación financiera • Disponibilidad 24/7 en todo el estado • Servicio estatal con oficinas en todos los condados • Papeleo completado por teléfono o su agente viajara hacia usted cuando sea necesario • Zero interés • Sin tarifas escondidas • Consultas gratis • […]
Aunque no lo crea, niños o (niñas) formalmente considerados como sospechosos en casos de trafico de sexo de menores. Ahora serán tratadas como víctimas. El condado de Los Ángeles ya no arrestara a menores con cargos de prostitución porque ahora se quieren enfocar en proveerles ayuda. La edad legal para relaciones sexuales es 18, lo […]
● Low monthly rate payment plans fit to your needs ● 24/7 availability ● State-wide service in California with offices in every part of the state ● Our representatives and agents travel to where you are ● Zero down ● Zero interest ● No hidden fees ● Free consultations ● Free anonymous warrant checks ● […]
Believe it or not, children were formerly considered suspects in child sex trafficking cases. Now, they will be treated as victims. L.A. County will no longer arrest children on prostitution charges because they now want to focus on providing help for them. The legal age for sex is 18, which puts child prostitutes as victims, […]
Your loved one has been arrested and you truly don’t believe any of your friends can relate to how you’re feeling. They have never been in your situation before and as much as they want to help, they don’t know how to. They don’t know the answers to the pressing questions you have. You can […]
You are more influential on others than you might think, especially when it comes to your children. There is good and bad in this. The good is that if you are able to maintain a healthy, safe, environment for your family, they will grow up well. You’re exposing your children to new places, new activities, […]
Even though most people do it, it’s still illegal: jaywalking. There are a bunch of other such instances where it’s technically illegal to do something but people do it anyway and get away with it all the time. But this time, we’ll focus on jaywalking because the police, especially in Los Angeles, are cracking down […]
There are completely stupid and silly laws that you could, but probably never will, break (like herding 2,001 sheep in Hollywood) and then there are laws that you’ve probably broken multiple times by now, without even knowing it. Here are 5 of the latter which you might find surprising and interesting to read about 1. […]
Most people shut down for some time during the holiday season because well, it’s the holiday season. But there are some who absolutely will not, including us at David Ortiz Bail Bonds. People get in trouble, or are in trouble all the time, even if it’s one of the biggest holidays of the year. You […]